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human growth hormone Protocol

In the case of growth hormone (GH) and, specifically, human growth hormone (HGH), speed, strength, and recovery have often been regarded as a means to obtain a boundary. Bodybuilders and athletes claim that hGH raises lean body weights and reduces fat weight. Today’s hGH use is based not only on its anabolic qualities but also on the metabolism of carbohydrates and fat. So, you’d be searching for a prototype or want to know how famous athletes and Mr. Olympia Athletes (like jay cutler, Ronnie Coleman, Phill heath) use this in their everyday preparation, here is the beginner’s protocol to start using it:

What is Hgh Cycle?

The use of human growth hormones, synthetic or naturally, for a particular era, as the HGH-cycle indicates before or after the picture or testimony. The average duration of somatropin lasts for 4 – 6 months, with a testosterone supplement and steroids commonly added to Hgh.

HGH Cycle Dosage

The best HGH cycle is going to work only if you take the proper dosage. Nevertheless, synthetic HGH is not the same as steroids since the usual dose is not available. You can receive different answers if you inquire about the minimum or maximum amount for a period. However, you can make the required changes using the following guidelines.

  • You can start every day with 2 IU for anti-aging purposes. It’s your decision; you can inject yourself at a full or empty stomach any time of day. You can inject yourself any time, but many people like to do it early in the morning or even sometime in the evening before going to bed.
  • 4 IU regular will be ok for general wellness, bodybuilding, athletic performance enhancement, and fat loss. Advanced and hardcore users will raise the dose to 6 IU, but the side effects get hard if you get too high.

The above dosages are first taken in the HGH cycle, but you can raise this dose depending on the situation.

If you aim to improve your recovery after an accident, increase the amount every day between 8 and 16 IU. This is a high dose and not appropriate for everyone. Divide the dosage during the day when you take something more than 4 IU instead of taking it at a time.


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